Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Israel trip
I packed my bag; just like another trip. Went around picking things and carefully noting everything, so that I dont miss anything. I do it meticulously every time. This time was no different. Even after all this meticulous crap, I forgot to bring my USB cables to transfer photos for my digital camera.
After all this, let me tell you that it was an official trip. So there was work and inbetween fun and not fun and inbetween work. The flight like all the international flights, was early in the morning. Had to get up early and get to the airport well in advance for the vital checks. Carrying a passport for the first time; thinking about how the journey would be. Will there be lot of checking, how will the new country would be. Its a nice feeling, which struck me somewhere when I was on the plane.
First stop was Istanbul airport. The stopover was 2 hours and then the next flight to Tel Aviv. The Alaturk Airport of Istanbul; was huge and with its duty free supermarket was splendid and cool. They only accepted Euro there, which was a little heavy on the pocket. Istanbul airport is very near to the sea. Awesome skyline, marvellous build and very cool interiors. Finally people, the girls were very stylish. I did not see one girl without a stylish dress. Sometimes it was the hair; sometimes it was the shoes.
A totally different culture as compared to Indian dressing I should say. Even the taxi guy wore denim jacket with a cool goggles. The office was not far off from our hotel. Stayed at Ramat Gan, office was in Tel aviv. Amazing roads and awesome road discpline, very knowlegable pedestrains crossing. If there are no traffic lights for pesdestrians, (zebra crossing everywhere) pesdestrains get the first preference to cross roads. The motorists stop for them, it is an amazing site to watch.
Then the food, even if you are veg or non-veg, you have a lot to choose. But the diet here; if you dont stick to vegetables, will result in obesity. Lot of pizzas, loads of cheese and all fatty foods. Exercising is a must, no wonder people here have bicycles to travel. I must add that the roads here are not completely flat, they are very steep at some places and going up in a bicycle is not easy.
It has just been a first few days here in Israel, it has already proved to be a majestic experience to see the other world. So far, the work has kept me busy. I will make time to go out and see the beautiful landsides and places of Israel. I would have loved to add some photos, but for the transfer wire. I will try to get some snaps from somewhere. Till my next blog......
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Real Heroes
The time was around 4:30 am in the morning. I was in a rather unconscious slumber upto a point that I did not know what was happening around. Suddenly I could feel a kind of cool breeze blowing around. I was certainly in a 100% oxygen environment, I should wonder. But wasn’t to be. Just my Kenstar Little cooler- dx, which is a cool compact Air cooler, which my brother had bought just months a ago for himself.
Before I went to sleep that day, I checked my clock it was 10 pm. My brother had not come home from his usually tiring job. Software professionals, tend to work so much that they start to like their job and the codes they develop. They become workaholic by their own will. He was late again. As usual, I left my mobile phone for charging and dozed off.
I usually set the air cooler facing me before going to bed. And as it happens often, my brother takes the bed, he moves it towards him and gives me a cool air deprived environment to sleep with my darling blood sucking mosquitoes to mumble about. But surprisingly, this air cooler was still towards me at 4:30 am. I thought my brother must be very generous leaving the air cooler for me today. Then in a jiffy, thought otherwise. A cold spine chilling feeling gripped me.
I got up from my ever solace bed and ran a quick check with one eye still refraining to open. I did not see him on his bed. It suddenly stroked me that he had not arrived. Double checked my watch, it was already dawn. A strange feeling was also beginning to dawn with this dawn. May be he was in the master bedroom with a temporary truckle. The master bedroom was air conditioned. I checked there as well, this time with both my eyes wide awake. It was clear, he was not home.
I went to my mobile, unlocked it. The light coming from my mobile made me blind for a second, as there was no light around. There was a missed call and a message under my brothers name. I read the message which said “I will not be coming home today, because of the bomb blast. Security not allowing me”. I did not waste much time. Called him up and his mobile started ringing. Someone picked up, but it was not my brother. He said, we are still in office could not go out as the security personnel, were not allowing them because of the blasts and added that my brother is sleeping.
I switched the TV on. It was beaming images of people running like hell. The phrase as it appeared in the next day newspaper, aptly suites the situation “Bloody Hell!!”. Mumbai had yet again made an unprecedented, catastrophic date with terror. Panic struck, I woke my daddy up, carefully not to wake my mom. I asked him to come to the drawing room and wanted him to take a look.
To my relief, my brother had already called him and sent the message that he was okay had asked us not to worry. My dad, had switched the TV on and seen all the news when I was asleep. I was once told by my grandmother that, my sleep is very deep. But this was indeed very deep. Till by brother returned home in the morning, it was rather disturbing I should say.
Mumbai is a nice place, commercial and financial capital. People dwell here and make money. It is not often that everyone meets crisis, even though there are blasts every now and then. As long as you not in the firing line, life just moves on. Mumbai spirit will eventually come out. Here we don’t care who the hell bombs us. We move on, we just move on. Come what may, I went to office the very next day. Most off them were home, waiting for things to settle down.
Finally, I salute the police inspectors how have given their life and also not to forget the hotel staff of Taj, who are the real heroes who have saved the lives of the foreigners and guests of the hotel. I had recently been to Hotel Leela at kovalam. I vividly remember the faces of the hotel staff who welcomed us and made our stay heaven. They say Taj is one step better than The Leela. What better than to have staffs who give lives for their guests?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Round the world in just two books!!
Anurag Mathur defines his central character Gopal with characteristics disembarking as and when the pages of the book keep turning and the story unfolds itself. A guy from the hamlet of India, goes to US for his higher studies. He has never been in a city in India, is completely taken aback by the city culture in US.

The one thing I will never forget from this book is this, The offer by "a very good looking, black man, dressed in a breathtakingly beautiful gray overcoat" of "some real live pussy" begins the theme of the book, Gopal's quest, initiated without his slightest understanding, to get laid before he returns to India. "No thank you, sir," Gopal declines."I'm vegetarian." And when he returns to his cousin unscathed (and unlaid), he says, "I met friendly man selling vegetarian cats."
Randy on a mission to get Gopal laid, fails miserably each and every-time. This is kind of a book, surely makes you wonder, why the hell didn't I try going to US. The book is a good time killer and leaves you with a rather, cool note. A great travel read or a weekend stress buster. I do recommend it.
The other book I read was out of total curiosity, a book which I picked up just because it was something to do with IIM and business schools. Turns out, it had a completely contrasting nature. Samrat, a young American born with a Indian origin working at Wall-street, (Not quiet a story now, because of the financial crisis. This is sometime when there was no crisis) gets increasing frustrated with his monotonous life and wants some change. He comes back to India and enrolls in IIM-Banglore for doing his MBA.

Samrat comes to India, in search of happiness, but he just finds the gruelling IIM schedules. He gets a interim with one of the top companies and loves completing it. With Sarkar, he goes for a 10 day soul stirring experience in a yoga session at the Himalayas. After 2 years of Indian experience, he finds his happiness in a less dramatic job. A frugal salary, not a demanding life style.
Does Samrat find what he is looking for? Very cool book for casual reading!! Keep off the Grass here means nothing but marijuana. But marijuana does play a vital role in the story line!! :) Ruskin Bond, does tell you a a thing or two. I enjoyed every bit of it!! After all this reading, I could not sit home reading, so I planned to take a drive for a sandwich. I ordered a sandwich and was reflecting the books. As I was thinking, I was eyeing my bike which was parked on the other side of the road. Just lost in my thoughts.
The sandwich wala came out and asked me, do you want to have it here or take it as parcel. I said, I will have it. As I was having it, I still reflected the book. As I finished it, I asked the guy for a tissue paper. The guy replied-"Tissue paper tho nehi hai saab, yeh Indian paper he hai" and trusted me a old newspaper. Then I felt, wherever I go, India and the Indianess in me, will never change!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008
It is not fossil; it is Tommy Hilfiger!!
1. Dual time- Which meant I can see two time zone on my watch simultaneously.
2. A formal watch.
3. Round shape, which is retro considered today exotic shapes of titan fast-track.
4. Elegant and at the same time simple.
5. No steel watches, I hate them as they are very bulky and very heavy
6. Leather straps, neat finish with date and day.
7. Not to forget I got a Tommy Hilfiger laptop back-pack free......:):):)
This Tommy Hilfiger met all the above conditions........hurray! finally got it!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Those Childhood days!!
When some similar incidents happen, we get those childhood chubbiness and laughter out of no were. Considering the busy schedule we cope with everyday, the time to spend time for ourselves is completely nil. I still think about those pranks, which was very much part of my childhood days!! Whenever something happens, which reminds me something from the past, I quietly smile at myself, thinking what an idiot I was back then.
Today, we had a supposed power cut, at office. So we had been to the pantry, just to enjoy and kill time. It was time for some carrom. Noting, as most of them at office come from somewhat similar back ground, it was quiet evident from the style of play. Every body were rusty. No one had played carrom for a long time. Simple shots were quiet miserably missed resulting in embarrassment.

I for a change was getting the hang, so what early in the game, just to slump in the middle. My partner, was getting those crucial punches every now and then. He was on his "hot and cold" form as one of my friend coined it. We hit a purple patch wherein, we won some boards. Getting those sleek cuts and majestic straight shorts, made me very happy. Got back those childhood tensions, describing other's shots, exclaiming when my shots did not make it.
Carrom did get those mickey out of us. Thoroughly enjoyed the crunch situations, playing under pressure. Getting that tough shot in, missing a simple shot. Feels great to be a child again. Hope such moments, brush us every now and then. I meant the carrom part, not the power cut. It is damn hot now a days.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Really sleek, very good formal stuff. The first look, made me fall in love with these. The colour shades, round shaped watches, are such a rarity now a days. I would think about buying these, some day!!

Friday, October 3, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Traffic with life control!!

With topics viz. questions like-"What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common?" and "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms?", all I can say is these comparisons resemble a kind of freakish random non-collinear thoughts, that in-turn flips your rather diabolic paradigm of thinking. Such penetrative ideas, gives your relating brain an upliftment and makes you think in a collateral way.
Coming back to my Traffic theory and my comparison. Traffic today, can be related with our life itself. The author in Freakonomics compares two totally different real world entities. I thought of comparing one real world entity with our life. The fuel to each vehicle can be seen as not only the food we eat, but also energy and hope of life. The way you ride or drive the vehicle describes your attitude towards life. The vehicle itself indicates your status, your financial background.

The rate of overtaking, leaving behind many can be attributed to your growth. Each and every think a traffic on the road has can be had parallelism in our life. We do have road signs, that lead us to the proper destination, without getting entangled in the never ending road to our pinnacle of success. These road signs, can be considered to be our advisers and teachers.
Again, when it comes to rules, the road has its own set of rules and regulations that has to be followed. The same is applicable to life as-well. You have to abide by the law. Surprisingly, both the traffic and life are punished by law. Just that, the colour of uniform of a traffic police and the real police are a different. You can cheat, but some day you will be caught.

Friday, September 12, 2008
What is the Lipstick's colour?
Lipstick has been a symbol for a long time to show kisses in many movies. In a paper, which I found online-"LIPSTICK IMPERIALISM AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER:WOMEN AND MEDIA AT THE CLOSE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY", the author Margaret Gallagher, considers a media women to be a lipstick. She goes on explaining about what kind of imperialism a women is subjected. She also explains, the role of media, and says that today's world should make women getting into media easy. So a lipstick symbolises a women of Twentieth century. But have you ever wondered how many vibrant colours there are? Lipstick colour defines a girl, the way she behaves and how stylish she can be. It sometimes, shows the basic thinking. Let us just gasp, and take a look around, to find what is the similarity between a colour, lipstick and the character of the person.
Lets start from North-East of India, where in lies West Bengal and Bihar. The ladies from here, what colour of lipstick they use. It is usually (when I say usually, it is majority) darkish red, maroon or even say dark black. It is more and more towards the darkish side. Now dark colours indicate strong will power, determination, self control and resilience. Black colour absorbs light, it simply means there is no colour. Darkness gives stability in life. The women from these places, are usually very strong characters from within. They are very bull hearted, they are strong willed. Even in movies, a women who is a villan is shown wearing a dark to dark lipstick. For example, the Disney creation Cruella de Ville in One Hundred and One Dalmatians, who wanted to skin little puppies to make herself a fur coat.
Light colour of lipstick indicates, the person is very simple by heart. She does not have an attitude, beyond the limits of apprehension or acceptability. She is very subtle in all she does. She knows herself better and wears herself splendidly. She is very intelligent too.
There is one more logic, that involves, fair girls would like a light coloured lipstick, and the dark ones will go for more darker ones. I don't know if it is true with body colour, but with lipstick colour usually it does hold true. Dark coloured lipstick women (DCLW), are a little less on the intelligence quotient. But exceptions are very much there. But try doing something wrong and asking forgiveness, you will know what you are up against. You will never be forgiven. They are too hard to crack, as their hearts are made of rocks. Believe me, this is experience talking!! So don't try to fool them. They will not forgive you. And to add more, they are very adamant on their point of view. Cannot change it as they think they are correct.
Then there are these funky coloured lipsticks, used by girls mostly in the western part of India. Colours like orange, green, dark pink etc.. These girls are very beautiful, but overdo a lot of things. They don't realise if they are beautiful or not. They are not stable in a relationship. They lack the emotional balance. Usually these are teenage girls, who try different things. After all today's generation of girls funky, if not they at least try to look like they are funky.
Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. But today's women from India, a staggering one third of them indulge in atleast one kind of tobacco consumption. About 3% of urban women are into Cigarette and bidi smoking. Actually it is far more than that I believe in a city like mumbai. Around 22% of women from India, are into tobacco chewing, which is even more dangerous. The Indian tobacco market is surely rising, as the women are also pitching in. Global tobacco investors can make a note of this and begin aggressive marketing. The reason, I brought this is because, when you smoke, your lips darken. To cover up this, women use dark coloured lipstick. This can also be a point of view. In this case, it is rather very iffy to guess the character of a women. The laser thinning procedure, that reduces the effect of darkening of lips due to smoking is on the rise among dermatologists.
Finally to round it up, off late lipstick has caught up with presidential elections in US. The outrage between, Obama and McCain has taken a lipstick curve. Sarah Palin's comments started of outrageous speeches. The US call it a direct bombardment of individualism and sexism. Check out the following videos.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Rock on!!
The storyline, was again a disguised one, and reveals itself when the movie progresses. Where-in the present life of the rockstars are shown. And for some reason, there has been a split in the gang in the past and the rockers have gone different ways, which is kept as a secret beyond the interval. As and when, one explains or thinks about the past, the past life of the band is revealed.

Farhan Akhtar, the lead singer(wealthy investment banker now) and Arjun Rampal, the lead guitarist being such good friends, have a bitter fight and every thing falls apart. The band as they name it 'Magik' has the 'Killer drummer' as he calls himself, Purab Kohli(KD) and the electric piano player, Luke Kenny. The subtle humor part in the movie is taken care of by Purab Kohli and Shahana Goswami(Deebie), who is the wife of Arjun Rampal. Shahana Goswami does have a great impact left on you after the movie. She has a great body language and acting skill, that will sure leave you searching for wallpaper of her on Google. (I searched for her wallpapers, man I did not get any!1 :(
The main character of the movie is Farhan Akhtar's wife, Prachi Desai, who wants to see her husband happy. Very lazy wife of a very wealthy investment banker, I should say. She is the wholely responsible for the reunion of the rock gang. The group Magik, as it is called reunite after running from pillar to post almost 10 years.
Farhan starts to feel very good about the reuniting. Arjun Rampal being very poor, scraps his way through hurdles in life. Luke Kelly being a cancer patient, fights against death and music. The movie see lots of some twists and curls, but finally it meets the Rock concert, wherein all the four unite to play the concert of their life. Starting with the "Tum ho to" and a wonderful song of "Sindbad the sailor"..... Follow your dreams, is what they seem to say from this movie. The happiness in life is when you follow your dreams, which will help you achieve limitless goals in life.
I have been learning a Indian drum. After this movie, I thought I should rip some music out of it. So guess what, I just struck the tone one fine evening; and played it after a period of around 1 month. Feels awesome to be playing and making music. Music is indeed magik, which stirs soul of life. I have included some of the clips of the drum evening. Listen to it, it might ignite some music in you!! :) :)
I call this "The Reverberating Thunder"
This one I call, "Sound from Kailash"
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Developing Personality from within....
Even such comic people have lot of characters that you can learn from. Yes, let’s not talk about them. Coming back, the charisma the different personality’s exhibit are really so attractive that, we without our realization start liking that person. We start to collect reasons to meet them. We want to know more about that person. Human tendencies of curiosity will eventually make us know more about them.
We live a life copying style, lifestyle, characters, dressing and eventually personality. Each and every person has a role model, whom we look up to follow the trend. Many times we tend to loose our individuality, and try morphing them. Eventually we end up being the role model, if not look like them, but feel like them from within.
We look for mutual acceptance from others for this personality. It may be a change in dressing style, may be a hair style, little make-up, dying hair colour, etc… We kind of expect some comments from others, to feel that what we have done is good. Sometimes there are good comments, sometimes it is bad, and sometimes there might be no comments at all.
Impressing others can also be motive behind such morphing. Just from wearing a so called cool pair of shoes to a fancy hat!! Everything is going down and up for that tiny comment from the person you like. When that compliment never comes from that intended target impressing group, the other compliments seem to be just statements. Humans are always looking for acceptance for what personality they want to be, rather than the personality they are.
Individuality is a price word, which is something no one else has. Individual likes and dislikes cannot be buried, for just that personality development. Today’s generation of youngsters are becoming more erratic and ruder. The attitude and language sense are more tilted towards rudeness in the “Rude or Not” scale (I saw “Hot or Not” show just yesterday). Attitude problems have become not a problem, but a worry. What kind of personalities will our future generations instil?
As the research goes, it seems we inherit morphing personalities from people who are alive and present in our era 80% of the time rather than people, who have found their graves. If this rudeness continues, then our future generations will follow suit, without even knowing that they are rude. Let’s stop here and think a little about the derogatory comments and talk to the hands attitude, we possess without out notice. We are born with a pure heart, only the situations, surroundings and people around help us build our attitude and personality towards life.
The style guru’s think they are very cool, by morphing them you think you are very cool. Life goes a whole circle. So the style guru will eventually follow you, thinking you are cool. Break the morphing circle and eroding rude personality attitude. Next time listen to the heart of the person you are talking to, rather than his cute face. Bring out individuality and bring out kinder heart.
Friday, August 29, 2008
ब्लाह ब्लाह ब्लाह.......
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rubik's cube solved!! :) :) :) :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Rubik's cube!!
Last week, I saw the movie "Pursuit of Happyness"; very good movie that. Will smith plays the role of Chris Gardner, who is a homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker. Based on the real life story, with his own son acting as his son in the movie, Will Smith comes out with a splendid act. There is one scene in which; to prove his intelligence, Chris Gardner has to solve Rubik's cube in a matter of minutes. Even the mathematicians, take some time to get the hang of it.
Chris Gardner must have been a real intelligent guy. The very next day, I had been to my cousin's place, where in I had a great meal. I never knew my cousin sister was such a great cook. Well seems like very are going on aberrant from the topic. You see, I have a weakness for good food. So coming back to, I found this Rubik's cube, which they had gotten. I tried my hand on it. Trying many permutations and combinations. But finally I gave up. I could get only one side filled with the same color!!
I was looking for solutions to solve the Rubik's cube online. I got some pages, but could not quiet get the hang of it. Now I will buy the cube and practice to fill more than one color!! These are some you-tube links I got!!
Wish me good luck to get all six colors!! :)
Monday, August 18, 2008
Men with Golden Arms and legs

So coming from me, you should think over this. I marvel this guy, Michael Phelps. Getting a gold in Olympics is as they say, very difficult (From an Indian). So getting 8 in the same Olympics should be (very) raised to eight times difficult. There is something special with this guy. Just some days back I read an article, which said, an IITian Rajat Mittal, has been researching Michael Phelps style of swimming. He says, "Phelps is able to use his body in a way that is very, very different from the other athletes...much closer to dolphins than we have seen for any other swimmer’’.

He says, "Phelps is able to straighten his massive size-14 feet to a greater angle (about 15 degrees) than any other swimmer to reduce resistance. Almost 90% of all the thrust is coming from the foot,’’ Mittal explained. “And the flatter and bigger your foot is, you essentially have a bigger paddle. Michael’s foot size and the angle he generates with it plays a big role in his ability to swim very well.’’ The irony of a IITian from India studying, swimming patterns of a guy from some other country.
Only one could even come close to Phelps, he came so close that he was one hunderth of second late. Milorad Cavic of Serbia, would be tearing his hair out for losing out on chance to upstage Phelps. The Serbian team even protested about the judgement. But the officials were spot on with their Omega clock. To add to Cavic's fury, Phelps just 2 days back had said, “There are still three races to go and I am not unbeatable. No swimmer is unbeatable,”.

Truly, this man has been born with a golden arm. He has made a complete mockery of these medals. He is very close to his mother. I came across this video from ESPN, an interview of his mother after the Athens Olympics 2004. You should look into this one. This video was taken before this Olympics. Just look at, how much training goes in becoming a champion.
They say Athens Olympics 2004 was just an start to his swimming career just at the age 18. Phelps won 6 gold in that. Now at the age of 22, he has 8 in Beijing Olympics 2008. He will be 26 in London Olympics 2012 and raring to go. All I would say is he has ignited interest in me to join swimming. Not many can do that, my dad tried. So I would be behind him in London, to win 8 again. Go Phelps Go.
Just to complete the legs, Usain Bolt. A man with legs which can run 100 mtrs at 9.69 seconds. Well, just imagine what you can do in 9 seconds. You can use the oven and set it to get your coffee warmer. Try to catch a fly. Thinking about changing the channel on the TV. Opening a can, which is very badly closed. The door which has self closing tag to it, after it is open fully, closes in 9 seconds. Trying to remove a knot. Man this guy must be fast.

Closer observation shows that, Usian Bolt had come without his shoe lace done. And he lost composure, in the last 3 strides, as he was holding his arms wide and pumping his heart. Otherwise, they say he could have done it in 9.6 seconds. The people with golden arms and legs are surely too quick to catch.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Who is King?

Heath Ledger, has done a once in a lifetime role of the Joker. Mindboggling stuff this. He has completely blown away everyone. He has not performed in the movie, rather he has turned himself into a joker. I would say, you should watch the movie for the joker instead of the batman. Morgan Freeman, has shown his sarcastic brilliance. The Batman, Christian Bale, with all the gadgets, is good. Always the movement and expression of the Batman are minimal due to the suite and masks.

From million dollar hollywood movie to a bollywood movie, 'Singh is king'. I watched this with no expectations. One thing was totally different from the other bollywood movies was, the dressing sense and the songs were unusually very short. Only the title track went the distance for some time duration. All the other songs were very small. A comedy movie, which has a little bit of emotion. The best was the dance from Javed Jaffrey as "Mikha Singh".....

A comedy movie that can be given a slip I guess. Not a great story line, but Neha Dhupia and Katrina Kaif, make it a good reason to give it a try. I have never seen Neha, being so stylish in her movies. Meanwhile, I got hold of a old movie, 'Notting Hill'!! Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts, with a very simple movie.
I have seen this movie before, but in parts. The spellbinding romantic movie, with julia starring as a heroine 'Anna Scott' and Hugh Grant playing a character of a guy with a travel book shop. Each and every scene has been made so wonderfully done that it goes into that memory lane of the brain.

Monday, August 4, 2008
Where are the Real Olympians?

Indians are more into cricket. The famous quadrilateral, best test middle order in the world, failed more than once in the current test series in Sri Lanka. The Little master, Prince of Bengal, The wall and Nawab of Hyderabad all failed in the first test. India had to score 400 runs to avoid the follow on. The famous quadrilateral never even made 360 let alone 400, which is the sum of all the angles in a quadrilateral. In the second test, it was the top order of Sehwag and Ghambir who made all the runs. Even then they failed.
We have to keep asking the questions to ourselves. Where are the Titans? Where are the Real Olympians? The mindset, training equipments, training coach and above all individual desire to grab hold of an Olympics gold, is completely missing in today's middle class Indian families. The swimming gear for Ian Thorpe was designed as per his expectations by his sponsors. The cost of the gear, is as good as buying a flat some where in Navi mumbai!!

Unless, there are proper equipments, thinking coaches and compromising sponsors, it is very difficult to breed champions. Champions can be created by a developing and nurturing the mindset of winning; infrastructure is always other side of the coin. Instead of just engineers, doctors and cricketers, there should be a different breed for Olympians!! Lets see how many medals we win in Summer Olympics Beijing 2008.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Once in a while~~

Once in a while, when you feel you are alone and lonely. Even a stranger can make a great friend, only if we have the time to speak. Some are very flashy, with fancy hear gear or dresses. The pretty girl walking next to you. The bald man with a big fat tummy. The busy executive formal guy with a bluetooth headset in constant conversation. The attitude guys, direction seeking moron's, typical chinese guys, not so pretty girls showing attitude, guy speaking loudly on the phone with a paan in his mouth.
Once in a while, we get to know people, through work and through friends. We meet so many people that, we don't remember names of many. How often do we store a number in our mobile phone, and afterwards wonder whose number that was? Unless you have good memory, it is pretty difficult to trace it out. Sometimes there are these elderly strangers, who give some advices as to how to fill a form, how to solve a certain problem. There are many things in life that we get help from strangers.

Once in a while, we meet with an mishap, while I was riding. Just as I always do, I raced my bike to the front row of the signal. When the signal turned green, I was off like a unstoppable river, slushing and gushing through the roads. Like a nightmare, a cyclist came on my way from no were. I thought of bypassing him, but he came right in front of my bike. So I had to break all of a sudden. That was an example of a sudden break!! Everything came to a screeching halt. I lost control of my bike and had to taste the ground.
Once in a while, I took the ground for a change. I lot the next 5 seconds, I did not know what happened. I lost consciousness, I was there, I was awake, but could not trace the thought process of my mind. It was a complete blank. The next thing I saw was, 3 complete strangers, got my hand, lifted me up. As I could get my bike up, stand, nothing had gone wrong, just that my mirror was broken, with its impact to the holy earth.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
It started rather nicely with slow pace; but gathered momentum and turned into something like the back ground score of Adam's family. Something which is usually played in the Hollywood horror movies. My mom listening to this, was taken aback. Born and brought up in a completely traditional kind of taste, she could not digest this kind of music. She was of a the feeling this is Christian's church music. This coming from a south india religious hindu house wife, I just smiled at her comment; changed the channel.

It was bollywood music now!! All latest movie numbers we being endlessly being bombarded. Sometimes when you hear to a super-hit song, many a times, you get bored of it. There were some fast paced songs; some slow ones. Then it was AR Rahman's soul stirring, music like never before. It was the turn for the song "Kwajaji!!" from Jodha Akbar. A song based on qawwali music, which has got a ancient history of singers, who have sung this kind of a style during the mughal empire.
A completely Persian style, with a lot of devotion in it. When the song started, my mom started singing with it. Just to complete the story. A person who is so much against the so called orchestra church music, is singing Persian Muslim style song. Well, and we think Muslim's and Hindu's don't go well with each other.

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Life in a slow lane!!

I have a bike, pulsar 220, which makes my travel very easy and of-course faster. I ran into my second servicing. I had to give away my bike for repair works. As long as I was travelling on my bike; I never had the time to look around. I just love riding bikes. The surroundings kind of moves as well in the rate of knots. I was used to the fast lane driving.
When I gave my bike away, I had to travel by bus or walk. I choose to walk for some days. There is were, I came across many late developments near my home. I would have never noticed a new bank, a new showroom and a new ATM. It is now I understood what all round development means. It was marvellous to see so many people choose walking after work.
Water logged areas, how to get around them. I found many cross roads, short cuts. Got to see small temples and places which I had seen during college days. It was great refreshment of fond and vivid memories. New hawkers, new bhel puri stalls, new offices many many more things!! Also to see, some major landmarks diminish to nothing. Roads widened, when you are on the bike; you never notice the width of the road unless you cross it. Some old shops taken over by new ones, remodelled and refurbished.
And finally, I found a brand new Nike showroom. It has been started 2 months back. I never knew it. I got a Federer's Head Tie I was looking, for a long time. After all, being in a slow lane helps us catch up with things that we have missed, in the fast lane!!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Eats, shoots and leaves==Kung Fu Panda

A giant Panda, enters a bar, asks for a sandwich, eats it happily. The panda was about to leave, when the bar attender asked it, money for the sandwich. It removed a gun out of no where and fired twice in the air and left. Before it left, the panda tossed a animal book to bar attender. An book with descriptions of all the animals, but with poor punctuations. It read, Giant Panda: Animal found in parts of china, feeds on bamboo. Eats, shoots and Leaves.
I have to say, the author of the book Lynne Truss, has read most probably all the books of English punctuations and also history books wherever the word punctuation appear. So much references on each and every page, it makes the reader feel like, he has missed all the books in the world. It also shows how learned she is. Taking nothing away from the book, it does not make one very curious to read the book. Only a persistent voracious reader can finish this book.
The writer is against the way today's generation of people have turned the punctuation symbols and made their own grammar out of them. She goes on and explains how it should be properly used, by explaining how it is wrongly used in today's bits and pieces English. The author throughly disagrees by the way the today's English has been broken up in emails and smses. Like gr8 for great and 10x for thanks. She feels we have to start a revolt against such things.
A through professional with majestic sentence formations skills, spell-binding descriptions with eloquent and free flowing effluent, expressive English. To be frank, I guess you can give this book a miss, if you are looking for humor. It is not as humorous as her "Talk to the hand". The sarcastic comedy of Truss is missing in this one.
To continue with panda story, I saw a movie just yesterday Kung-Fu Panda. An awesome animation movie. Complete opposite to the above english punctuation crap!! Amazing story line, breath-taking animation, stomach aching comedy. Even the expression on the face of the panda makes one laugh his heart out.
The complete setting in china, with Kung-Fu, and all these animals, this movie is here to stay. A complete contrast to the book I read. You see, there is always a lighter side of things in life!!