Friday, August 29, 2008

ब्लाह ब्लाह ब्लाह.......

किलर जेंस, मक डोनाल्ड'स, स्पघेट्टी, रीबोक आणि ब्लाह ब्लाह ब्लाह.... This is what you will see, in the sign board of all the European brands around the city. Many many boards, have been changed. All the English brands are now, showing Hindi name board. All just to amuse the on looker.

For a second, I felt hang on, how will the guys who cannot read Hindi find out which shop is where. Aren't we down grading our public value. Outside India, the whole world thinks in English. Is English so bad that, we cannot use it on the name board, on our own shop? I agree to the fact that, speaking in English does not make you great person, nor does it get you money. But it makes someone understand what you are exactly saying.

It is the language the globe is meeting out. India is no longer a under-developed country. It is one of the strongly developing countries, which the world is looking out for. More and more foreign companies are investing here in India. It is growing by the day. Just yesterday, I saw a English guy, in his tuxedo, trying to cross the road. I don't know how they wear a tuxedo, in the humid weather of Mumbai and when it looks like it will rain.

Tell me how will he read a shop with a Hindi sign board on it. I am not against the fact that vernacular language should be used. Nor am I against people thinking in their mother tongue or people being thought in mother tongue. All I want to say is, English is what will make you reach out to masses and make them understand you as you. Yes, there are always exceptions, you can do business and earn the money you want speaking just Hindi or Marathi. But your sphere will always be limited.

But all in all, I guess asking shoppers to change the English name board into Hindi or Marathi was taking the discussion too much into orbit. Having, both Hindi and English is fine; but not just Hindi. Raj Thackeray had commented that, "if the shops don't have a Hindi sign board, they will be demolished by his men." some days back. The changing of name board at many places also shows that, in mumbai, how many people who want to play safe and don't want to get into any kind of trouble. I wonder, what I would have done, if I were a shop-keeper!!


Ashutosh said...

Its kinda silly how certain people just don't wanna opt for globalisation. Having pride in our own culture is one thing and getting obsessed with it is another. Only if the people in power could understand this.

Nice post!

Lan said...

yes; you are correct; i dont want to buy a jeans from a outlet with killer in hindi on it!!

Ashutosh said...

Hey LAN,

I was just checking out some of your articles and dude..I must say..they make a hell lot of sense..

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Eeli said...

Hmm, what an interesting topic to post. It definately got me thinking so kudos to you for that amazing feat :P

I can see how it could be grating to the mind. I suppose it parallels what the Japanese have implemented in their society. They are very proud of their heritage too but already are largely advertising/marketing and conversing solely in japanese. There must've been a predominant fraction of people whom consider the move more appropriate. Businesses perhaps are catering only to the local market therefore it is not necessary to utilise the market share on a global scale. I have more to say. Apologies if this isn't coming across clearly. Its past midnight. Grrrr :(

Anonymous said...

I cannot agree more. I have been living in Kannur for the past few months. Agreed its a small town. But everything from the signboards to electricity bills, ads in english daily's and building notices are in Malayalam. A trip to the doctors office means relying on a local to make sense of the timings etc. Never before have I felt so paralysed in my life before.

diva said...

Quite a daring the way i belong to the tribe of people who would put up the sign in marathi to avoid any trouble...wont compromise on profit if i was a shopkeeper! although would make it so tiny that it is barely visible;)

Lan said...

Eelie: I agree on the japanese, I guess it would be fantastic if Japanese share their technologies to other countries. They are very good, but again, very limited if the marketing is based on japanese!! :)By the way thanks for the compliments!!

Choco: Yes, I dont know Malayalam, so if I am there, it would be a literal puzzle to solve to go to the doctor's place for me!! I have heard that Malayalam is one of toughest language to learn!! :(

Diva: Hi, hey what I mean in the blog is, if we start marketing in marathi and hindi, we cannot become a global hub!! I agree that there should be hindi and marathi sign board, but not at the cost of english!! that is what I meant!! :)

Good day to all~~:):):)

Joe Arena said...

Interesting stuff man, gave me different point of reference.

Lan said...

Joe: Just an hot topic down here dude!! thanks for the comments!!

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