Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rubik's cube!!

Ernő Rubik is the Hungarian who is the inventor of Rubik's cube, which is the 3*3*3 cube. Considering the fact that, there are six colors which has to be grouped on 6 sides respectively. It seems rather simple at the start, to get one of the colors grouped. Then it is kind of tedious and becomes rather a head ache to complete it, as and when one color is grouped, the other goes away.

Last week, I saw the movie "Pursuit of Happyness"; very good movie that. Will smith plays the role of Chris Gardner, who is a homeless salesman-turned-stockbroker. Based on the real life story, with his own son acting as his son in the movie, Will Smith comes out with a splendid act. There is one scene in which; to prove his intelligence, Chris Gardner has to solve Rubik's cube in a matter of minutes. Even the mathematicians, take some time to get the hang of it.

Chris Gardner must have been a real intelligent guy. The very next day, I had been to my cousin's place, where in I had a great meal. I never knew my cousin sister was such a great cook. Well seems like very are going on aberrant from the topic. You see, I have a weakness for good food. So coming back to, I found this Rubik's cube, which they had gotten. I tried my hand on it. Trying many permutations and combinations. But finally I gave up. I could get only one side filled with the same color!!

I was looking for solutions to solve the Rubik's cube online. I got some pages, but could not quiet get the hang of it. Now I will buy the cube and practice to fill more than one color!! These are some you-tube links I got!!

Wish me good luck to get all six colors!! :)


Winder said...

I solved it when i was a kid... It takes lot of patience n time though, which we think we dont have when v grow old... Gud luck man!

Naomi said...

first of all: thanks for your comment! and second: i've seen The Persuit Of Happiness about ka-trillion times due to teachers/ man they like to play that in Science Investigation/ but the point is, my friends and i went through a faze of Rubix-Cube-ness.. Needless to say, we carried one around for aprox. for ever and never got it solved. I wish you good luck!

Muktesh said...

Wish you good Luck LANO,once you are done give me the cubes i will try to do it.

Lan said...

Hey guys!! thanks a lot!! I got the initial algorithm correct!! I will solve in some time!! :) when I am Done, I will post a blog on that!! :)

Ashutosh said...

I tried solving it once but failed big time..but after watching Will Smith doing it in the movie I again feel like giving it a try..oh btw..thanks for posting those videos..shud make a job a lot easier..

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