Saturday, February 7, 2009

Home Alone

When was the last time we went on a trek? When was the last time we had some fun with our school/college buddies? Do we really have fun with the people around everyday? Is it just that we are compelled to live a life with people who do not bring lot of joy? Are you singled out? Are you alone? Well this is a feeling you get when you don't have people you know around you. Does it really matter?

Some say the care and affection you need is just a phone call away. Some say you should make your environment around you feasible and people around you to understand, so that you can have fun with them. The facet of the fact, which we seldom imagine is not alarming heavy when someone is around, who knows you better. When he or she is not around and you have to deal with all these Homo sapiens mung bean headed people, some who don't even understand the tenacity of your reverberating thoughts and though process.

Living life is a hardship when there are multifarious problems. When you think all is well and start to ease a little, smack, some-other bangs your jaw so hard that you will feel a pain like you have had a root canal done on 6 tooth simultaneously. That's what keeps your bum up and functioning. The problems awakes us to stand by the decorum. But what if the world with a sticker named problem, collides with another called homo sapiens sapiens.

In lot of situations you find yourself being alone as intermingling is next to impossible, because you don't have someone with similar interest or hobbies as you do. What you consider to be awesome, would be just an another thing for someone who does not know what it is all about. Like minded people are very difficult to get when you are a little different from the crowd. I am not very learned nor am I a very good at recollecting things that I have read in the past. I certainly believe that each individual has his own set of principles and keeps on scanning those with other individuals. When some of the principles match, there is a union of thoughts. That's why we say like minded people gel well. Again there can be differences, the principles are totally two different disjoint sets. That's the reason like minded people click together very easily, not a lot of effort required.

These principles can sometimes leave you alone. The very principles that you have put up as your individuality can turn upside when there is no like mindedness. Then the principles tend to dilute, you start mingling with people, whom you would rather stay away from. Sometimes you will find a lot of positives in them, which you would not have noted if you would have maintained your commandments. Still your heart will keep pinging you about your real urges, and it will keep you stubborn after certain level of dilution. Or may be something from the past will keep your level of dilution on check. Some bad experiences of the past dilution rates will dictate your present conditions and keep you heavily stricken to your values. Many call these kind of people totally different. "He has a different world", that is what many say.

Turning the coin downside, some individuals do not maintain any principle conundrums. They can mingle very easily as they don't require much, in other words they don't ask for much in some one, they just treat them as homo sapiens sapiens. This my friends is the very rare brand of individuals. There are not a lot of them around now a days. Opening up, requires some amount of exposure with people. When we open ourselves too early, it might back fire and if we do it late, the cloud might have passed. What if we don't open up at all?

Accepting people as they are, should solve the problem? doesn't it? To an extent it helps. But does not go far enough. Sometimes these things end in adjustment, dilution. Some times you give up the urge within you, just because you don't have people to share with. So next time you are home alone, think are you stubborn at your principles. I have not considered lot of factors like, love, hatred and the cause of all homo sapies downfall ego. Even without applying these factors, the human brain is very complex. Ain't it?


Anonymous said...

Oh gee!!!... Wht happened??? :)

Lan said...

got fed up re.....i am all alone now a like minded people to share was a outburst :) something out of the ordinary..... :)

Anonymous said...

K. I thought you'd taken ill or something!

Btw I have submitted your blog to Best Of Indian Blogs.

Lan said...

hey thanks a lot for that....i did not know i was that good.... :) kind of surprised myself ..... we should chat some day :) do you have a chat id or something?

Anonymous said...

And yes, I do have a chat id but am terrible paranoid about chatting with people I do not know.
Nothing personal:)

Lan said...

na; i dont mind...just wanted to say thank you!! keep the good work in your blog....i like chatting with just can be very free with some people....because you don't have to be careful in anything.....anyways that is my point of view...:):)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Saw you on
Choco just proves my theory that bloggers are basically good people. You blog is cool. I will visit it more often.

Lan said...

Hey thanks man!! and very good initiative.....i appreciate it......keep the good work up :) :) I never thought my blog was so good :)

EcHo............!! said...

well...u know wat LAN...u really think a lot...and it all makes soooo much sense...this one is certainly one of the best blogs ive read...yr good dude...:)...yr thots are extremely clear...!!...and trust me...u realyy dont need to be modest about this...!!...way to go man...!!

Lan said...

thanks ratnassss.... :):)

frankly i did not think, i was so good..... :) good that you like nice of your to comment.........i will try my level best to try to keep up with these posts!! :)

Anonymous said...

Insha Allah to that!!!

& modesty thy name is Lan :)

Lan said...

hhaha common choco; stop pulling my leg!! just that i am not used to people praising me :) :)

Anonymous said...

Very well written!! I think everyone should have some time to spend on their own.. rediscover their inner self. Spend some time doing the things that you normally dont have time to do - watch the stars... or the moon... click some good pictures.. or just paper yourself. Sit down and think of your priorities in life.

I like your blog.. and love the way you write.. From the heart!! Good job.. keep going..

Lan said...

thanks re....i just try to write what is on my mind.....will try to get more posts like this!! :) :)

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