Friday, August 28, 2009

Unfathomable Forlorn

How do people look at you? How do people rate you? What happens when someone you think things of you better acts differently than you think they should have? Some don't care what others think about them. But some do care a lot. I should say, I am somewhere in between.

There are times when impressing someone will help you better. The ways to impress remains a major task to understand for many. For some it comes pretty naturally. These are the guys, people envy. They say sometimes impression cannot be created in a flash. It takes rather mammoth steps to devour and fathom the insurmountable task of impression. Time as it happens always, plays the vital role in climbing to some one's heart.That's the reason, may be finding a loved one is almost very difficult. The people we meet on everyday basis never get impressed with our looks. May be if you are dressed like a hippie they will notice you but never do they get impressed. The amount of time you spend with someone and frequency of meeting them plays a real vital role in creating an impression.

Everyone wants to create an impression somewhere or the other, they might not agree but that is all inbuilt and involuntary. Many would say, why do you do it to impress someone. "Do it for yourself, things will happen". Does that happen in today's world. Well not really. It is a nice advice to give, but to follow I doubt. After a careful needle and thread action to create a potential impression base, when the cracker jack tail end action comes, of someone expressing about yourself, it is always a surprise and gets a mickey out of all of the efforts put in.

Off late, such concerning circumstances have beaten the day light out of my solar sails. Things I thought would work out and thought people would understand me; like the "don't try to impress" way..... Now I feel, I should have tired impressing. But I guess, I was proved unimpressive with my "Do it for yourself way"..... Getting to know things about you from someone else and something which is not as per you expect it to be, is quiet an aghast feeling.


Dipti Malhotra said...

impressions impressions...

people give a lot of importance to the 1st impressions na.. but most ofthe times first impressions are misleading. because everyone is at their best in the 1st meeting.. you hardly see any flaws. so i agree with you that it needs time to form an impression of a person

Lan said...

:) :) I will tell you a story about this blog; i will mail you!! then you should ready this blog again; then you will understand the hidden meaning :P :P

Anonymous said...

I think I know what you mean. It's more than just about first impression. For me, it almost takes an entire lifetime to create the right impression of a person : almost like imprinting your image on a certain someone's heart. It's not about trying but when you feel comfortable or free with that one person, you start to open up and express yourself. The way you portray yourself in front of that person is the impression creativity right there. Very well written. These thoughts sometime break me open and yet we keep trying to impress the one person we love. For the ones who haven't found him/her yet, don't worry about being ready with the talents of creating an impression but it's all about being yourself. :)

Lan said...

@Anamika: I expected this reaction when i wrote it :P
Being yourself is what I did, but could not impress some people......
:) :)

Lan said...

@girl who makes fun of my camera:

:| :| My camera is alive and doing great!!! i made another blog on my snaps.....:) :)

I see so now we are friends :) :)
i know i know it was just a thought!! :P :P

Lan said...

@cute girl with teddy bear:
Yes it is clicking nicely; may be i get a chick with all this photography :P :P

Lan said...

just kidding; photography is my hobby; not to impress anyone :P thanks for visiting my photo blog!!

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