Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The specs story

When I was in my 8th standard, I tired to show some tricks to a baby boy. I closed my left eye and open and blinked my right. Nothing was wrong; when I changed it to my left eye, I felt something uneasy. I did not think much then. This happened again, this time I was looking through a key hole. It was clear to me that I was not able to see clearly with my left eye. When I close my right eye, it was blurred.

When we look with both eyes, the best image from both the eyes is captured and transmitted to brain. The brain checks and super imposes the better image. So my right eye was taking the bulk of vision. Even though my left eye vision was blurred, because my right eye was normal, when I used to look normally, everything was very clear.

I took my mom to a ophthalmologist. He checked my eyes and told me that there is a power problem with my left eye and it can be corrected by spectacles. From then onwards, till now I am wearing it. The left eye had a complicated number and it was not the normal power lens. It was a cylindrical lens. But my power has slightly increased initially till I got the exact power.

A spectacle is a style statement know a days. Getting a nice pair sometimes is very difficult. I was thinking about a 70s style glasses for a long time. Last Sunday I decided that the time has come for a change of specs. I went by the optician and got a cool specs for a very low price. Nothing like fashion at a low price tag.

The professor look I should say!!:) :)


Pooja Mahimkar said...

lol... nice choice i should say.
looks good on you!

Lan said...

@ pooja: Thanks a lot man; :) :) i am happy :)

Unknown said...

oh yes my dear professor!:-P la la la:-) I wish you always see and look only at good and nice things
:-* (yes it is..:-P)

Ahahgshene said...

at least it's just blurry... i actually had a friend.. who was blind on one side of the eye... and i never knew this after a year of knowing her. she played it off so well! it's amazing!

Lan said...

@Michal: Thanks thanks, ohhh i see good and nice things huh; i will try!! :P

@Abby: oh god; its very tough if you find it very late.....Thanks for visiting by :)

Lan said...

@such a big address:
hahah thanks a lot!! u have a cool blog; keep it up

Dipti Malhotra said...

Hmm im inspired to get different glasses for myself now.. how cheap are they anyway!? i want something cheap so that i can DARE to experiment!

these are cool

Lan said...

@Dip: Thanks man; the frame cost me 750 bucks, the lens was costly!!
you can get something cheaper; this is full plastic frame, plastic frames are cheaper.

Anonymous said...

Looks sexy on you :P
You are definitely giving out the proffy vibes =)

Lan said...

haahaha; thanks!! :) well it is fashionable; something different

NIM said...

wow...hey my specs are very similar. Same Pinch!!!
Are we IN or what?! lol...
i like ur choice.

nitin said...

nerdy professor!

Lan said...

@nitin: (:P) thanks :) :)

Lan said...

@nim: same same :) thanks a lot

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