I was on my way to Kanyakumari from Thiruvanathapuram on a bus, quiet a comfortable one I should say. The bus was trotting along, for most of the distance. It moved so slow that, I could formulate a theory for road traffic. An aberrant comparison between road traffic and life itself. It sparked my mind, which is always is in random ramblings and shambling. I should attribute these random thoughts to the latest book I read, "Freakonomics".
As the name goes, the book is about freaking thoughts and comparisons proved with profound intellectual statistics, hanging on with ground reality of common sense. Just as you go through the book, you will understand how different it is from the rest of the platoon. A book, which gives out of the world thinking profess, collaborated with disbelieving facts and stats, that will totally rock your contemplating prudence.
With topics viz. questions like-"What Do Schoolteachers and Sumo Wrestlers Have in Common?" and "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live with Their Moms?", all I can say is these comparisons resemble a kind of freakish random non-collinear thoughts, that in-turn flips your rather diabolic paradigm of thinking. Such penetrative ideas, gives your relating brain an upliftment and makes you think in a collateral way.
Coming back to my Traffic theory and my comparison. Traffic today, can be related with our life itself. The author in Freakonomics compares two totally different real world entities. I thought of comparing one real world entity with our life. The fuel to each vehicle can be seen as not only the food we eat, but also energy and hope of life. The way you ride or drive the vehicle describes your attitude towards life. The vehicle itself indicates your status, your financial background.
The rate of overtaking, leaving behind many can be attributed to your growth. Each and every think a traffic on the road has can be had parallelism in our life. We do have road signs, that lead us to the proper destination, without getting entangled in the never ending road to our pinnacle of success. These road signs, can be considered to be our advisers and teachers.
Again, when it comes to rules, the road has its own set of rules and regulations that has to be followed. The same is applicable to life as-well. You have to abide by the law. Surprisingly, both the traffic and life are punished by law. Just that, the colour of uniform of a traffic police and the real police are a different. You can cheat, but some day you will be caught.
After all, the life and traffic does go hand in hand well. But there are rather different things like friends, parents in real life, cannot be had substitutes. Life does do go on different roads, to reach a specific destination. The roads may change, the traffic may change, the destination might change, your financial background will change with your vehicle, but rules remain constant. Success in life means a lot, but reaching your destination on road is just a mere accomplishment!!
It might be quiet surprising, that I am writing about the Lipstick colour. On the other day, I was talking with one of my friend about lipstick colours. A girl can explain you, in better standards and depth about the various brands and various variety of lipsticks and lip gloss you get in market. But all we know is a stick with some colour, which when applied to the lips gives that colour. And it remains, for some time unless we disturb it.
Lipstick has been a symbol for a long time to show kisses in many movies. In a paper, which I found online-"LIPSTICK IMPERIALISM AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER:WOMEN AND MEDIA AT THE CLOSE OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY", the author Margaret Gallagher, considers a media women to be a lipstick. She goes on explaining about what kind of imperialism a women is subjected. She also explains, the role of media, and says that today's world should make women getting into media easy. So a lipstick symbolises a women of Twentieth century. But have you ever wondered how many vibrant colours there are? Lipstick colour defines a girl, the way she behaves and how stylish she can be. It sometimes, shows the basic thinking. Let us just gasp, and take a look around, to find what is the similarity between a colour, lipstick and the character of the person.
Lets start from North-East of India, where in lies West Bengal and Bihar. The ladies from here, what colour of lipstick they use. It is usually (when I say usually, it is majority) darkish red, maroon or even say dark black. It is more and more towards the darkish side. Now dark colours indicate strong will power, determination, self control and resilience. Black colour absorbs light, it simply means there is no colour. Darkness gives stability in life. The women from these places, are usually very strong characters from within. They are very bull hearted, they are strong willed. Even in movies, a women who is a villan is shown wearing a dark to dark lipstick. For example, the Disney creation Cruella de Ville in One Hundred and One Dalmatians, who wanted to skin little puppies to make herself a fur coat.
Light colour of lipstick indicates, the person is very simple by heart. She does not have an attitude, beyond the limits of apprehension or acceptability. She is very subtle in all she does. She knows herself better and wears herself splendidly. She is very intelligent too.
There is one more logic, that involves, fair girls would like a light coloured lipstick, and the dark ones will go for more darker ones. I don't know if it is true with body colour, but with lipstick colour usually it does hold true. Dark coloured lipstick women (DCLW), are a little less on the intelligence quotient. But exceptions are very much there. But try doing something wrong and asking forgiveness, you will know what you are up against. You will never be forgiven. They are too hard to crack, as their hearts are made of rocks. Believe me, this is experience talking!! So don't try to fool them. They will not forgive you. And to add more, they are very adamant on their point of view. Cannot change it as they think they are correct.
Then there are these funky coloured lipsticks, used by girls mostly in the western part of India. Colours like orange, green, dark pink etc.. These girls are very beautiful, but overdo a lot of things. They don't realise if they are beautiful or not. They are not stable in a relationship. They lack the emotional balance. Usually these are teenage girls, who try different things. After all today's generation of girls funky, if not they at least try to look like they are funky.
Cigarette smoking is injurious to health. But today's women from India, a staggering one third of them indulge in atleast one kind of tobacco consumption. About 3% of urban women are into Cigarette and bidi smoking. Actually it is far more than that I believe in a city like mumbai. Around 22% of women from India, are into tobacco chewing, which is even more dangerous. The Indian tobacco market is surely rising, as the women are also pitching in. Global tobacco investors can make a note of this and begin aggressive marketing. The reason, I brought this is because, when you smoke, your lips darken. To cover up this, women use dark coloured lipstick. This can also be a point of view. In this case, it is rather very iffy to guess the character of a women. The laser thinning procedure, that reduces the effect of darkening of lips due to smoking is on the rise among dermatologists.
Finally to round it up, off late lipstick has caught up with presidential elections in US. The outrage between, Obama and McCain has taken a lipstick curve. Sarah Palin's comments started of outrageous speeches. The US call it a direct bombardment of individualism and sexism. Check out the following videos.
Phew!! It was a quiet a movie guys. I loved every part of it. The music was mind-boggling, really exhilarating. Hindi movies getting a rocking paradigm shift. Rock music, in general does not care about the lyrics in the song. Usually, it is very light on the lyrics, but very heavy on the metal rock. The songs in the movie "Rock on" are no different. The lyrics are very light and has simple words, which makes the songs even more enjoyable.
The storyline, was again a disguised one, and reveals itself when the movie progresses. Where-in the present life of the rockstars are shown. And for some reason, there has been a split in the gang in the past and the rockers have gone different ways, which is kept as a secret beyond the interval. As and when, one explains or thinks about the past, the past life of the band is revealed.
Farhan Akhtar, the lead singer(wealthy investment banker now) and Arjun Rampal, the lead guitarist being such good friends, have a bitter fight and every thing falls apart. The band as they name it 'Magik' has the 'Killer drummer' as he calls himself, Purab Kohli(KD) and the electric piano player, Luke Kenny. The subtle humor part in the movie is taken care of by Purab Kohli and Shahana Goswami(Deebie), who is the wife of Arjun Rampal. Shahana Goswami does have a great impact left on you after the movie. She has a great body language and acting skill, that will sure leave you searching for wallpaper of her on Google. (I searched for her wallpapers, man I did not get any!1 :(
The main character of the movie is Farhan Akhtar's wife, Prachi Desai, who wants to see her husband happy. Very lazy wife of a very wealthy investment banker, I should say. She is the wholely responsible for the reunion of the rock gang. The group Magik, as it is called reunite after running from pillar to post almost 10 years.
Farhan starts to feel very good about the reuniting. Arjun Rampal being very poor, scraps his way through hurdles in life. Luke Kelly being a cancer patient, fights against death and music. The movie see lots of some twists and curls, but finally it meets the Rock concert, wherein all the four unite to play the concert of their life. Starting with the "Tum ho to" and a wonderful song of "Sindbad the sailor"..... Follow your dreams, is what they seem to say from this movie. The happiness in life is when you follow your dreams, which will help you achieve limitless goals in life.
I have been learning a Indian drum. After this movie, I thought I should rip some music out of it. So guess what, I just struck the tone one fine evening; and played it after a period of around 1 month. Feels awesome to be playing and making music. Music is indeed magik, which stirs soul of life. I have included some of the clips of the drum evening. Listen to it, it might ignite some music in you!! :) :)
Every single day, you meet so many people, who touch your heart. Make a mark in your mind and some whom you look forward to meet in the future. Some of the characters are so pathetic that you don't even bother to remember their name. We don't kind of remember such comic people until you really have some thing that they can help you with. Otherwise, it is just that "hi-bye" kind of relation.
Even such comic people have lot of characters that you can learn from. Yes, let’s not talk about them. Coming back, the charisma the different personality’s exhibit are really so attractive that, we without our realization start liking that person. We start to collect reasons to meet them. We want to know more about that person. Human tendencies of curiosity will eventually make us know more about them.
We live a life copying style, lifestyle, characters, dressing and eventually personality. Each and every person has a role model, whom we look up to follow the trend. Many times we tend to loose our individuality, and try morphing them. Eventually we end up being the role model, if not look like them, but feel like them from within.
We look for mutual acceptance from others for this personality. It may be a change in dressing style, may be a hair style, little make-up, dying hair colour, etc… We kind of expect some comments from others, to feel that what we have done is good. Sometimes there are good comments, sometimes it is bad, and sometimes there might be no comments at all.
Impressing others can also be motive behind such morphing. Just from wearing a so called cool pair of shoes to a fancy hat!! Everything is going down and up for that tiny comment from the person you like. When that compliment never comes from that intended target impressing group, the other compliments seem to be just statements. Humans are always looking for acceptance for what personality they want to be, rather than the personality they are.
Individuality is a price word, which is something no one else has. Individual likes and dislikes cannot be buried, for just that personality development. Today’s generation of youngsters are becoming more erratic and ruder. The attitude and language sense are more tilted towards rudeness in the “Rude or Not” scale (I saw “Hot or Not” show just yesterday). Attitude problems have become not a problem, but a worry. What kind of personalities will our future generations instil?
As the research goes, it seems we inherit morphing personalities from people who are alive and present in our era 80% of the time rather than people, who have found their graves. If this rudeness continues, then our future generations will follow suit, without even knowing that they are rude. Let’s stop here and think a little about the derogatory comments and talk to the hands attitude, we possess without out notice. We are born with a pure heart, only the situations, surroundings and people around help us build our attitude and personality towards life.
The style guru’s think they are very cool, by morphing them you think you are very cool. Life goes a whole circle. So the style guru will eventually follow you, thinking you are cool. Break the morphing circle and eroding rude personality attitude. Next time listen to the heart of the person you are talking to, rather than his cute face. Bring out individuality and bring out kinder heart.
This is Lan. Welcome to my blog, where my imaginations are portrayed, as they are, caught in thin air. As I see it from my eyes. It might or might not meet your imaginations and views. I am open to any criticism and comments. Please feel free, to comment.Bem-vindo means Welcome in portuguese. You can also contact me by mail : gln842003@gmail.com